Defending the family

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Nominate a Family Advocate

Who do you nominate for this and why?

It might be someone in your state or city that needs help. Or you might know of someone especially hard working that has made a difference.

Members of Congress, U.S. Senators and Boy Scouts have been named Family Advocate. All submissions will be posted.

Every Family Advocate is awarded $100 with a shot at the annual $500 award for Family Advocate of the Year.

Nominate a Family Advocate

Its a simple process in which someone who resists the so-called gay lobby gets recognition or help in their effort.

It is also a new electronic weapon in righting a wrong and telling someone else about it on the Internet.

Public Advocate has posted this form so that the downtrodden who state a desire to be left alone as a Christian sometimes might mean expulsion from school or being treated as a non-person.

Fields in bold are required.

Your info
Nominator's info
Nominee's info
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