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800+ Comment on CNS News: Obama's Trans Bathroom Fraud Exposed: No 'Growing Chorus' to Desegregate Bathrooms Exists

Nearly 800+ comment on CNS News on Obama Expose

......The same day the guidance was issued, on their official blogs, the DOE and DOJalleged that the reason for this change was because of requests received from "a growing chorus of educators, parents, and students around the country about the need for guidance on how schools can successfully support transgender students and non-transgender students in compliance with federal civil rights laws."

Oh really, a "growing chorus," you say? Public Advocate smelled a rat. On the same day that DOE issued its "guidance" letter, Public Advocate shot off a Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") request to both DOE and DOJ, seeking copies of all the "letters, emails, petitions, etc." that had been received from this "growing chorus" supporting bathroom desegregation..........

Thank you CNS News. The entire report is here.