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The Republican divide: K Street vs. Tea Partiers (Opportunists Who Cash In Versus Their Victims)

From the Examiner newspaper: The current GOP fault line is not exactly conservatives vs. moderates or new guard vs. old guard. For 2010, the rivalry is the Tea Party wing against the K Street wing.

To tell which kind of Republican a candidate is, see how the Democrats attack him: If he's branded a shill for Wall Street, he's from the K Street wing. If he's labeled an extremist outside the mainstream, he's a Tea Partier........

............To the K Street wing, the Tea Party types are like the guy who's playing too hard in a co-ed softball game - he's sliding headfirst and barking orders at the cutoff man while you're trying to chum it up with the boys and then maybe go home with the other team's cute second baseman after the game.

You can see today, by their improved personal financial situations, what Lott and Dole were trying to accomplish in Washington. You can also guess which current Republicans will join them on K Street in a few years - and play ball with them in the meantime.

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