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Anti-Public Advocate Group Hosts Law Breaking Federal Official -- Human Rights Campaign Speaker Breaks Hatch Act

The Human Rights Campaign calls Public Advocate and Family Research names and makes fabrications about the "hate" conservative groups spread by simply standing with Godly values.

But it is actually the Homosexual Lobby that can not seem to avoid blatently violating long standing federal law.

FOX NEWS REPORTS: Feds: Sebelius violated federal law by campaigning for Obama

Fox News is reporting : Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius violated federal law when she campaigned this winter for President Obama, federal investigators announced Wednesday.

Sebelius broke the law by making "extemporaneous partisan remarks" during a speech in February at a Human Rights Campaign Event in Charlotte, N.C., according to the Office of Special Counsel (OSC). She made the comments in the city that would later host the Democratic National Convention. ...

The agency said Sebelius' comments violated the Hatch Act, which prohibits public officials from campaigning in an official capacity.

The agency said the Department of Health and Human Services after the event reclassified the trip from official to political and that the federal government was reimbursed for related costs.

However, the OSC still concluded Sebelius had violated federal law and has sent the report to the president -- the procedure for a government official appointed by a president and confirmed by the Senate. ...