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Eugene Delgaudio: Town Council adopts new 'MX' title for its transgender population "Washington State To Follow"

A (Brighton, England Town) council is to include the title 'Mx' on its official forms to be more accommodating to the trans-community.

Campaigners say that 'Mx', short for 'Mixter', is a gender neutral alternative to Mr, Mrs, Ms and Miss.

"Now Sex Changers want all references to gender completely removed. Not admitting your real gender to your doctor? Something seems to be really wrong here. This is in Brighton, England but these people have taken over entire state legislatures like in Washington State," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

Brighton and Hove city (Great Britain) council's trans-equality panel previously pointed out that the gender part of forms allows people to say if they are male, female or other.

It said the lack of options in the title field does not provide for people who do not identify as male or female.

Yesterday the council's policy and resources committee approved a series of measures, including the removal of the need for patients to choose from male or female options when they check in at electronic screens on arrival at a GP surgery.

Other recommendations include ensuring all councillors and police staff undertake trans awareness training and introducing gender neutral toilets and changing rooms, suggested by the council's trans-equality scrutiny panel.

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