Defending the family

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Mass Resistance is reporting:

Most people don't know that major corporations in America are funding the massive push to introduce homosexuality and transgenderism into the elementary school grades, pass laws across the country to criminalize Christian belief in the workplace, force "gay marriage" through the federal courts, viciously harass pro-family groups, and much more. They're companies you likely buy from.

This Saturday evening Human Rights Campaign is holding a lavish fundraising banquet in downtown Boston. Major companies are sending high-level representatives, donating thousands of dollars, and playing a big role in the event. This is one of the largest of the many events HRC is holding across the country.

Corporations that are sponsoring this include Staples, CVS, Citizens Bank, and Liberty Mutual Insurance, and dozens more.

What these corporations are paying for (among others)?

A sophisticated program targeting elementary schools across the country -- to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism in the minds of children. This includes a reading list of "gay family" books for young children.

Read the full story here;