Defending the family

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Dr. Paul Church

Dr. Paul Church at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston

We salute Dr. Paul Church as Family Advocate this month for his long and celebrated service of healing and fearless action.

Dr. Church has been an urologist on the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center staff in Boston for nearly 30 years. He is a member of the Harvard Medical School faculty. He has done research on diagnosing prostate and bladder cancer, and has been a frequent volunteer for medical mission projects in Mexico and Africa. He has also spoken before educational and civic groups on the subject of high-risk sexual behaviors.

Over a decade ago, Dr. Church became concerned about the hospital's aggressive promotion of and involvement in LGBT activities - including Boston's annual 'Gay Pride Week' - and its emphatic push for staff participation in them. He felt compelled to speak out.

As a urologist, he began to document the increased health risks relating to homosexual sexual acts. He also took exception to the hospital's open and even aggressive support of gay pride events, finding this not only morally offensive on a personal level but hypocritical and contradictory on a professional level.

Would the hospital promote "pride" events for cigarette smokers or obese children? Then why would it promote gay pride events if the health risks of homosexual sex were documented and well-known?

Yet for sounding the alarm, homosexual zealots ended Dr. Church's career and had the hospital fire him.