Falwell is an example to all university presidents

Liberty University President Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio is commending Liberty University President Jerry Falwell for standing up for safety of his students, staff and well-being of their families.
Coming on the heels of the radical Islamic terrorist attack in San Bernadino, California, Falwell has overhauled campus gun policy encouraged students and faculty to carry concealed weapons on campus to counter any possible armed attack.
"University Presidents have a responsibility to keep students, faculty and staff safe, and to do everything they can to prevent or minimize chances of mass shootings on campus." Said Delgaudio.
Falwell made the announcement to a gathering of several thousand students, drawing heavy applause.
Not only did Falwell lifted the ban on guns on campus, he is also urging every eligible student to get training from school authorities to enable them to obtain a permit to carry concealed weapons.
"Mass shootings are tragic and traumatic not only for the victims, but also for survivors and their families," Delgaudio pointed out.
When Falwell spoke to students, he said that if more people carry concealed weapons at Liberty, it would help the school deter attacks such as the recent mass shooting in San Bernardino that left 14 people dead and more wounded.
Falwell told the Associated Press he believed the campus needed to be prepared in the face of the increasing frequency of mass killings. He cited the 2007 killing of 32 people at Virginia Tech, the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
"What if just one of those students or one of those faculty members had a concealed permit and was carrying a weapon when the shooter walked into Virginia Tech? Countless lives could have been saved," he said.
"All university presidents should follow in the steps of President Falwell," Delgaudio pointed out. "They have a responsibility to keep their students and faculty safe. And the only way to do that, is to get rid of gun-free zones that mass killings."
"That's why I'm saluting Jerry Falwell for taking initiative to protect the lives of 80,000 students and staff at Liberty University, and the well-being of their families."
And that's why we're proud to name Jerry Falwell Family Advocate this month.