Chief Judge Roy Moore, Alabama
original Public Advocate headline September 30 2016
Judge Roy Moore "hung" by Liberal Judicial Gallows in Alabama, but will ride again

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NY Times: Roy Moore, Alabama Chief Justice, Suspended Over Gay Marriage Order
The New York Times gloats:
The chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Roy S. Moore, was suspended on Friday for the remainder of his term in office for ordering the state's probate judges to defy federal court orders on same-sex marriage.
The suspension was imposed by the state's Court of the Judiciary, a nine-member body made up of selected judges, lawyers and others. While the court did not remove Chief Justice Moore from the bench entirely, as it did in 2003 after he defied orders to remove a giant monument of the Ten Commandments from the state judicial building, it effectively ended his career as a Supreme Court justice. His term ends in 2019, and Chief Justice Moore, 69, will be barred by law from running again at that time because of his age.............
.....No one expects Chief Justice Moore, a major figure in the culture wars since before he entered statewide office, to depart quietly from the political scene." says the NYTimes.
Political analyst Steve Flowers says he doesn't think Moore has done anything against the law.
"My perception of what the Judicial Inquiry position is they are to police someone for stealing money or taking a bribe or something illegal. I don't think what Moore has done is illegal," said Flowers.
In fact, if he is removed from office a second time, Flowers say it may just help him.
"Alabamians are tired of one percent of the population dictating what 99 percent of them do. They are tired of this 'same bathroom' stuff and all of that. So he's actually making himself a hero again... They are making him a martyr. If indeed they remove him from the bench, they will pretty much elect him governor of Alabama," said Flowers.
See video of Flowers explaining this in May 2016 news broadcast and other comments here: