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Marcus Bachmann, Michele's Husband and Counselor to Ex-Gays

Marcus Bachmann, Michele's Husband and Counselor to Ex-Gays

From the Associated Press

MINNEAPOLIS -- The husband of Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann says counselors at his family's Christian clinics are not focused on converting homosexuals to heterosexuality through prayer.

Marcus Bachmann told the Star Tribune in a report published Friday that his Minnesota clinics "don't have an agenda or a philosophy of trying to change someone."

Bachmann's comments follow the release of a gay activist's undercover video that appears to show one of the clinics' counselors offering reparative therapy to help him become heterosexual. The video produced by gay advocacy group Truth Wins Out was first aired Monday by ABC News.

Marcus Bachman, whose business has collected government funding from Medicaid-backed programs, says counselors follow the wishes of patients and don't force any treatment.


Marcus Bachmann has become the focus of lies and abuse by the homosexual lobby due to his strong leadership as a professional who knows that ex-homosexuals or "ex-gays" prove that homosexuality is chosen and not a matter of heredity in all cases.

Together with his wife they have been a faithful married couple that have brought many children into the world and been foster parents as well. For her part, Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann has not been shy or demure when it comes to proclaiming pro-marriage laws and protections and condeming homosexuality.

But the Family Advocate award goes to Marcus who is not running for president but is receiving the full scorn of the militant gay lobby for simply reversing some lives that were lost to immorality. Even one success story is one too many to the immoral intolerance of the militant gay lobby.

The gay lobby seeks to drive out moral leadership in the church as well as public life and especially in the field of counseling.