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Sister Mary Tracy Fired Openly Gay Vice Principal-- Forced To Resign

The word has come directly from the top in the person of President Obama. If you can outlaw the Sisters of Mercy through Obamacare's requirement to force nuns to pay for abortion, then you can certainly disrupt and publicly attack the religious beliefs of a nun running a school in Seattle, Washington.

"We here at Public Advocate salute Sister Mary Tracy who does not agree with our political position and we do not speak on her behalf in that regard. But she needs to be recognized for her life time of work being burned at the stake of public scorn for simply standing the way of a public defense by her of her very moral position that openly gay administrators should not be held up as a role model for her students," says Eugene Delgaudio presidend of Public Advocate

The Seattle Times reports:

The president and CEO of Eastside Catholic School has resigned amid unrelenting protests over her decision to dismiss the school's vice principal for marrying his gay partner.

In December, Sister Mary Tracy fired Vice Principal Mark Zmuda, who also served as the school's swim coach, saying his marriage to a man violated the Roman Catholic teachings he'd agreed to uphold when he began working at the school.

Her resignation, submitted to the Eastside board of trustees Monday and made public Tuesday, was effective immediately.

Tracy, 63, had more than 30 years of leadership experience with the Seattle Archdiocese and at area Catholic schools before 2010, when she joined Eastside as president and CEO.

Originally from Spokane, Tracy is a member of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.

She spent 20 years as dean of students and principal of Holy Names Academy in Seattle and served for 15 years at the National Catholic Educational Association in Washington, D.C.

She holds a master's degree in literature from the University of Washington and received her undergraduate degree from Fort Wright College in Spokane.