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America's Colleges Ask To Be Dismantled, based on public displays of waste

Thank you for Accuracy in Academia for reporting this:

"A group called College Rank has helpfully compiled a list of colleges with the best leisure pools in academe, some replete with lazy rivers.

"Recreational facilities and amenities have become a major part of the appeal of college campuses around the country," Mackenzi Flannery, the article's author says. "Our list highlights some of the top leisure pool facilities and what those options provide to students as they look to complete their collegiate experience with some downtime in the water." "

Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio said "This is exhibit A on how completely wasteful many American colleges have become. Along with a leftist dictatorship that forbids alternative conservative thought, these campuses show a pervasive lazy attitude about American productivity."

More from the AIA report:

While you peruse the list, you might ponder whether cash-strapped parents who send their children to these spas-with-degrees-attached can afford their own leisure pools:

" Auburn University

" California State University at Fullerton

" California State University at Long Beach

" Central Florida University

" Colorado State University

" Highpoint University

" Iowa State University

" Kent State University

" Missouri State University

" Nova Southeastern University

" Oklahoma State University

" Pensacola Christian College

" Pepperdine University

" Rice University

" Rollins College

" Texas State University

" Texas Tech University

" University of Akron

" University of Alabama

" University of Alabama at Birmingham

" University of California at Berkeley

" University of California at Los Angeles

" University of Colorado

" University of Florida - Gulf Coast

" University of Houston

" University of Iowa

" University of Miami

" University of Missouri

" University of South Carolina

" University of Texas at Austin