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5 Chilling Societal Developments Since Same-Sex Ruling

Barb Wire reports

A few days ago I shared a YouTube video with a young father detailing the effects of the gay agenda on children in other countries that are further "down the road" than we are in America. He was utterly shocked as well as sobered, realizing where we are headed.

At the end of this commentary I will give you the YouTube site. I'd like to challenge you to watch the video and realize what is coming, barring a spiritual awakening in our country.

After the Supreme Court ruling on homosexual "marriage," we've entered hostile territory and we need to be prepared. And I'm not being a "Debbie Downer" by citing this!......................

.......................Remember, the United States Supreme Court institutionalized homosexual "marriage" as the law of the land, wiping out millennia of history, opening the floodgates for radical reconfigurations of "marriage," removal of benefits for Christian institutions plus accelerating the erosion of religious freedoms. This represents a day of infamy for America. Since then...

1. Planned Parenthood Harvests Organs and Little Sisters of the Poor Defeated................

2. Israel Abandoned and Middle East Nuclear Race Launched..................

3. Boy Scouts Accepts Homosexual Scout Leaders.....................

4. Christian Institutions Capitulating...................

5. Society and Schools Begin Shaping Children to LGBTQ Agenda...................

What Will America Look Like in a Few Years with Gay Propaganda?........................