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Breitbart: Kiss of Death: Billionaire Who Funded Same Sex Marriage Endorses Rubio

Breitbart news reports:

The endorsement of Sen. Marco Rubio (R FL)80% by pro same-sex marriage hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer just might turn social conservatives away from Rubio and toward someone like Sen. Ted Cruz (R TX)97%. This might be good for Rubios bank account but could be nettlesome for him in the run up to a primary season dominated in part by social conservatives.

'It gives me pause, because Singer has a deep commitment to flipping the Republican party on gay marriage, and he undoubtedly knows more than we do about what Rubio is saying privately about the First Amendment Defense Act,' said influential activist and thinker Maggie Gallagher of the American Principles Project and the Pulse2016 blog.

Gallagher told Breitbart News, 'We shouldnt make Rubio responsible for all his donors views. But we should be pressing Rubio for a commitment to passing the First Amendment Defense Act in the first 100 days in office.'

Hat tip to Free Republic