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Paul Ryan Shuffle on Refugees Is Big Empty Sugar Treat: We told you so.

(Repost from 11-21-15, More organizations and candidates are condemning Paul Ryan.)

Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio opposed Paul Ryan for speaker. Our warnings were nationally reported but mocked by liberals in the news media as well.

"Regarding the bill to "slow down" the Syrian refugess being demanded by millions of Americans, Public Advocate warned you of the tricks a Speaker Ryan would play," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

Other national conservative leaders agree:

Talk Show host Mark Levine has said the bill, which passed with 289 yes votes in the House of Representatives this past week, is "meaningless".

Rightscoop reports:

Mark Levin doesn't like the bill that passed the House today because it doesn't do what Republicans are claiming it does.

He played Paul Ryan's interview from last night on Hannity and took his arguments completely apart, pointing out that all a high level official in the Obama administration has to do is sign something saying the these refugees are ok.

Read more:

The mega conservative website Bull Elephant reports: "We told you so about Paul Ryan":

"So, as we watch Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, play legislative games with regard to tens of thousands of Syrian Refugees, I'd like to take a moment to say, "We Told You So". I would also like to thank Congressman Dave Brat for his courageous and principled vote against Ryan as Speaker."