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Austria: Linz scraps gay pedestrian crossing lights

The Left Wing BBC is reporting:

The Austrian city of Linz has scrapped its gay-themed pedestrian crossing lights, which were adopted earlier this year with the aim of promoting tolerance.

The red and green signals, depicting same-sex couples holding hands, were first introduced in Vienna to coincide with the Eurovision Song Contest in May. Their popularity meant Salzburg and Linz later followed suit. But while the signals have become a permanent feature in the capital, they've now been removed from the streets of Linz, the Kurier website reports.

"Traffic lights are for traffic and should not be misused to impart advice on how to live your life," says councilor Markus Hein of the right-wing Freedom Party, who is responsible for traffic issues. Mr. Hein, who opposed the initiative from the start, says that gay rights are already advanced, making the lights "completely unnecessary".