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Mass. GOP Governor appoints radical LGBT radical as Appeals Court Judge

MassResistance is reporting:

Conservatives are always being told that we must hold our nose and vote for the Republican candidate, no matter how bad he is. We at MassResistance have consistently said that doing that simply gives them a green light to ignore conservatives completely. This should be a "teachable moment" in that regard.

Massachusetts Republican Governor Charlie Baker, less than a year into office, has nominated Vickie Henry, an activist lawyer at the infamous radical LGBT legal group Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, to be a judge on the State Appeals Court. . .

. . . If the legal system in Massachusetts isn't already heavily biased against the pro-family people, it's about get much worse. In our opinion, she the most frightening judicial nominees in memory. This includes the eight-year term the recent far-left Gov. Patrick.

How dangerous is GLAD?

Vickie Henry is an attorney for the Boston-based Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD). How radical is GLAD? These people are out to seriously change society. Some of their past efforts include:

-- Defending sex solicitation in public restrooms. GLAD's first major case in 1978 was successfully defending the right of homosexual men to solicit for sex in the Boston Public Library restrooms.

-- Defending sex in public places. GLAD sued and successfully forced the Massachusetts State Police to allow public sex in the lavatories and the surrounding woods at highway rest stops, public parks (such as Minuteman Park in Lexington), etc.

-- LGBT activities schools. GLAD has successfully forced public schools to allow boys to dress as girls, "gay" clubs in the schools, and other LGBT activities.

-- Threatening schools. GLAD regularly threatens schools with legal action if they do not allow homosexual and transgender programs, clubs, and other activities. They also coach students and activist teachers to threaten such action against administrators.

-- "Gay marriage" lawsuits. GLAD was the primary group that sued for "gay marriage" in Massachusetts, and helped sue in several other states around the country to overturn their laws.

-- Sex-change public funding. Taxpayer funding of transgender "transitioning" procedures.

-- Suing Catholic school. GLAD is currently suing a Catholic school, Fontbonne Academy, to force them to employ a homosexual "married" to another man.

Nominee Vickie Henry is a key part of GLAD's legal team.