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America and the U.S. Supreme Court have lost their most conservative judge.

Statement to supporters by Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate

on Friday Feb. 19.

America and the U.S. Supreme Court have lost their most conservative judge.

Judge Antonin Scalia -- after nearly 30 years on the Bench -- has passed away.

And I wanted to set aside today to remember and celebrate his legacy.

Over the four decades Scalia sat on the Bench, he and Public Advocate worked together frequently to defend American families and family values............

The Left knew he would be a barricade to their schemes.

Scalia was a steadfast supporter of the rights of States to defend family values.

In 1995 Scalia defended Colorado's right to be hostile towards the Homosexual Agenda.

In 1996 and 2003 he stood by States' rights to ban certain immoral behaviors.

Public Advocate went to the Supreme Court yet again in 2000 to defend the Boy Scouts of America from the Homosexual Lobby, and Scalia supported our arguments 100%.

And in 2015 Scalia sided with Public Advocate in the fight over State Real Marriage laws and constitutional amendments.

Judge Scalia consistently drew upon Public Advocate's briefs and arguments in his lifelong defense of States' Rights -- especially against the attacks of the Homosexual Lobby.

As president of Public Advocate, I have been to the Supreme Court hundreds of times to either express opinions through appeals or protest bad decisions.

And I always knew we could count on Scalia to see the reason and truth of our arguments.

Over and over again I have been to the streets defending Judge Scalia and pro-family policies.

Public Advocate lawyers have been feared by the Homosexual Lobby for the shared understanding between us and the reasoning of Judge Scalia.

In fact, Judge Scalia even cited our "End of the World" and "God will not be Mocked" briefs in the discussions over the marriage issue.

Losing him means America has lost its strongest Pro-Family voice on the Supreme Court Bench.

Which is why I am dedicating Public Advocate to honoring Scalia's memory by preserving his legacy.

We will do everything in our power to make sure Obama does not fill Scalia's seat with another judicial activist for the Homosexual Agenda; like Ginsburg and Kagan.