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American Family News Radio Broadcast: Delgaudio's Probe of Obama Bathroom Policy

A traditional values leader has one word to describe President Obama in the aftermath of a probe of his school bathroom policy.

Charlie Butts has details:

Runs 1:26 SOC

President Obama referred to his order to allow boys into girls facilities and sports teams as having come after a chorus of requests from people to do so. Eugene Delgaudio of Public Advocate didn't believe in that chorus and submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain information to determine how loud the chorus was, and he finally got a response:
DELGAUDIO: It took them 6 months to assemble 6 people who had written letters so there was no chorus. It was barely a sextet. It was 6 people who wrote from around the country.

Delgaudio had to pour meticulously through over 4 hundred pages of material to find the six, but, what about opponents of the Obama transgender order, which would have denied federal funds for schools that refused:

DELGAUDIO: There were 4,000 people that wrote in within the 30 days of the May announcement so there was outrage. There was no basis for this political dictate to harm the women and children.

So was President Obama's math incorrect?:

DELGAUDIO: The bottom line it was a bald faced lie. I smelled a rat. I went to look to find the rat and it is the President of the United States. He made a lie, a falsehood.

Delgaudio believes it's something voters need to keep in mind as the election nears because if Hillary Clinton rises to the presidency, he says it likely will be a continuation of the past 8 years. I'm Charlie Butts.

American Family News Broadcast