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Public Advocate Defends Sen. Sessions, Dr. Carson, and Rep. Price as Cabinet Choices

Eugene Delgaudio, in a continuing effort to drum up support for pro-family nominees, has urged supporters to mobilize in support of Dr. Ben Carson, Senator Jeff Sessions and Congressman Tom Price, respectively, as they are being considered for Cabinet positions after being nominated by President Donald Trump.

Delgaudio said in a letter to supporters in the mail and online in email messages and ads posted on google, in part:

(Permission granted in Advance to quote in part or whole)

"Past Cabinet choices under Obama's regime became a tool to push the radical Homosexual Agenda at every chance.

The Department of Justice turned a blind eye while innocent Christians were railroaded over opposition to homosexual "marriage"...

They led the assault on Real Marriage by litigating against the Defense of Marriage Act -- in violation of their role in government...

They threatened to sue a university that wouldn't allow a disturbed man to use women's bathrooms over the protest of female students...

Attorney General Eric Holder himself even encouraged lawlessness by suggesting state attorneys violate their oaths in order to support the Homosexual Agenda.

Fortunately, Trump's nominees: Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General, Dr. Ben Carson for Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary and Congressman Tom Price for Secretary of Health and Human Services and are likely to oppose such a radical agenda.

(After detailing the many positions taken in the past by the respective nominees, Delgaudio said)

".......Pro-Family nominees don't come around too often, which is precisely why you and I must ensure Trump's pro-Family Cabinet picks are confirmed," Delgaudio said.