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Scum sucking New York Times Celebrates & Honors Child Molesting Seattle Mayor

NY Times Headline: Mayor's Fall in Seattle Shakes the Gay Community He Rose From

From the NY Times:

"In the gay, lesbian and transgender community that has largely worshiped Mr. Murray - and especially in its heart, Capitol Hill, where Mr. Murray and his husband, Michael Shiosaki, have lived for decades - a pall of uncertainty and sadness has descended.

"It's such a complicated sadness," said Monisha Harrell, the chairwoman at Equal Rights Washington, a statewide advocacy group that worked closely with Mr. Murray in promoting the Anderson-Murray Anti-Discrimination Law, which was passed in 2006.

"There's a sadness for the loss of a leader who has put himself on the front line of many of these causes that have been so important to us," she said............"

One commenter:

They lost a man living a double life, who was taking advantage of children. Even if in their teens, they're not adults

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate

"This New York Slime newspaper gets in the perverted gutter with a "poor" lowlife who has reportedly lived a "secret" life of molesting several young boys who now are victims who have come forward with their testimony of his duplicity. He is not a "mayor" or "gay activist" but a person who has betrayed every citizen of Seattle and the nation."

Hat tip to Free Republic