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Panic and Fear Grips Homosexual Lobby over Supreme Court Vacancy

Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio said today June 1, 2017 to his monthly luncheon gathering in Falls Church, Virginia:

"Twitter and social media have been buzzing for weeks, and major news media have been reporting the pending resignation of Justice Anthony Kennedy from the Supreme court. Now liberals are openly courting the 81 year old jurist to retire. Public Advocate will have a retirement party soon for him and others. Amen," said Delgaudio.

Reuters report:

Liberal activists are urging U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, a conservative with whom they often disagree, to put off any thought of retirement, fearing President Donald Trump would replace him with a jurist further to the right.

The liberal Democrats' keep-Kennedy campaign, being pursued publicly and privately, reflects how powerless they have become against the Republican president when it comes to high court vacancies since the Senate in April reduced the vote tally needed to confirm a Supreme Court nomination to 51 from 60.

It also shows how big the stakes are for both sides in any decision that Kennedy, who turns 81 in July, makes about his future on the court. If he were to retire, Trump would have a historic opportunity to recast the court in a more conservative posture, possibly for decades to come.