Female Soldiers Ordered To "Respect" Men Transgenders In Showers
Breitbart reports:
Female soldiers must give "dignity and respect" to transsexual men who join them in their shared shower rooms, according to training manuals leaked by soldiers in a mandatory class.
But this "dignity and respect" is a one-way street, according to the training slides, which were developed by officials working for former President Barack Obama. "Transgender Soldiers are not required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not 'match' other Soldiers," according to the slides, which were first leaked by TheFederalist.com: (see below graphic)
The insistence that women remain mute when a man enters their shower room "shows a lack of respect for the vast majority of service members [because] no consideration is given to their feeling about this circumstances," said Peter Sprigg, senior policy studies expert at the Family Research Council in Washington.