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President of Pediatricians Condemns Destruction of Children by Transgender/Gay Lobby

Michelle Cretella, M.D., is president of the American College of Pediatricians and explains the destruction to children and to professionals who are required to protect them from abuse:

From a commentary in the Daily Signal:

Cretella says (in part) "...................transgender ideology is not just infecting our laws. It is intruding into the lives of the most innocent among us-children-and with the apparent growing support of the professional medical community.

As explained in my 2016 peer reviewed article, "Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate," professionals who dare to question the unscientific party line of supporting gender transition therapy will find themselves maligned and out of a job.

I have witnessed an upending of the medical consensus on the nature of gender identity. What doctors once treated as a mental illness, the medical community now largely affirms and even promotes as normal.

Here's a look at some of the changes.

The New Normal

Pediatric "gender clinics" are considered elite centers for affirming children who are distressed by their biological sex. This distressful condition, once dubbed gender identity disorder, was renamed "gender dysphoria" in 2013..............

.................Last summer, the federal government stated that it would not require Medicare and Medicaid to cover transition-affirming procedures for children or adults because medical experts at the Department of Health and Human Services found the risks were often too high, and the benefits too unclear.

Undeterred by these findings, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health has pressed ahead, claiming-without any evidence-that these procedures are "safe."

(Summary: elements in the medical and pediatric community in the United States have moved forward with major efforts to "affirm", with little evidence of actual fact, a transition ritual for children and young adults)

..............The transgender movement has gained legs in the medical community and in our culture by offering a deeply flawed narrative. The scientific research and facts tell a different story.

Here are some of those basic facts.

1. Twin studies prove no one is born "trapped in the body of the wrong sex."

Some brain studies have suggested that some are born with a transgendered brain. But these studies are seriously flawed and prove no such thing.............

.............The fact that the identical twins differed 72 percent of the time is highly significant because it means that at least 72 percent of what contributes to transgenderism in one twin consists of nonshared experiences after birth-that is, factors not rooted in biology.

Studies like this one prove that the belief in "innate gender identity"-the idea that "feminized" or "masculinized" brains can be trapped in the wrong body from before birth-is a myth that has no basis in science.................

2. Gender identity is malleable, especially in young children.

Even the American Psychological Association's Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology admits that prior to the widespread promotion of transition affirmation, 75 to 95 percent of pre-pubertal children who were distressed by their biological sex eventually outgrew that distress. The vast majority came to accept their biological sex by late adolescence after passing naturally through puberty...................

3. Puberty blockers for gender dysphoria have not been proven safe.

Puberty blockers have been studied and found safe for the treatment of a medical disorder in children called precocious puberty (caused by the abnormal and unhealthy early secretion of a child's pubertal hormones)...................

4. There are no cases in the scientific literature of gender-dysphoric children discontinuing blockers.

Most, if not all, children on puberty blockers go on to take cross-sex hormones (estrogen for biological boys, testosterone for biological girls). The only study to date to have followed pre-pubertal children who were socially affirmed and placed on blockers at a young age found that 100 percent of them claimed a transgender identity and chose cross-sex hormones.

This suggests that the medical protocol itself may lead children to identify as transgender......................

5. Cross-sex hormones are associated with dangerous health risks.

............From studies of adults we know that the risks of cross-sex hormones include, but are not limited to, cardiac disease, high blood pressure, blood clots, strokes, diabetes, and cancers.

6. Neuroscience shows that adolescents lack the adult capacity needed for risk assessment.

Scientific data show that people under the age of 21 have less capacity to assess risks. There is a serious ethical problem in allowing irreversible, life-changing procedures to be performed on minors who are too young themselves to give valid consent.

7. There is no proof that affirmation prevents suicide in children.

8. Transition-affirming protocol has not solved the problem of transgender suicide.

Adults who undergo sex reassignment-even in Sweden, which is among the most LGBT-affirming countries-have a suicide rate nearly 20 times greater than that of the general population. Clearly, sex reassignment is not the solution to gender dysphoria.

Bottom Line: Transition-Affirming Protocol Is Child Abuse................... says Cretella.

for the entire article please go to this link