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Mini-Series Premier LIVESTREAM: Harvey Weinstein's Casting Couch and Other Predatory Business Practices in Hollywood

This Friday, Matrix Entertainment will release the final part of MAINSTREAM, a 4-part mini-series that takes a deep look into the business practices of Hollywood and the New York media. The Premiere site is at

Produced and directed by James Jaeger -- a Telly Award-winning filmmaker who worked in Hollywood many years -- MAINSTREAM features actors, screenwriters, producers and others who had the courage to go on record and discuss "The Biz" like never before. MAINSTREAM delves so deeply into the anatomy of the 6 studios, 6 networks and 6 conglomerates that own and/or control virtually 95% of what American's see, hear and read that not one "insider" would interview. Hollywood insiders and hopefuls never speak critically about the Industry or the "control group" that holds their careers in the balance. And this is why it took so long for insiders to mention Harvey Weinstein's alleged casting couch misdeeds.

The fact is the Mainstream Media (which includes the studios and their subsidiaries, such as the former Miramax and The Weinstein Company) is dominated by a handful of executives that have used nepotism, cronyism and favoritism (various forms of employment discrimination) to maintain control for over 125 years. The casting couch is thus well-worn.

Given these things, MAINSTREAM is a movie probably NOT coming to the theater near you. This log-line would be funny were it not sad to consider that any movie, book, article or even THOUGHT not vetted through the Hollywood "control group," and executives such as Weinstein, will never come to a movie theater near you. And the reason for this is because less than 36 executives have the power to decide what screenplays will be financed and with what talent packages attached. Given this, any of these executives could be forcing the next generation of actresses to watch them shower in order to get a movie deal. So, it's not only Hurricane Harvey that's hitting the shores of Hollywood, there are probably many others.

-- MAINSTREAM can be screened at starting at 6AM on Friday, 13 October 2017 --