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New York Times Wants All Christians In Jail-- Libs Are Enraged, Kim Davis is Free!

Media Research Center's Newsbusters exposes the New York Times double standard in condemning civil disobedience by a Christian hero while always romanticizing leftists who perform civil disobediance.

Newsbuster's reports:

Did you know that Rowan County, Kentucky clerk Kim Davis went to jail for contempt of court in 2015 for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples? If not, the New York Times will happily remind you of the fact, over and over. Liam Stack and Kit Gillet did just that in their Friday story on Davis traveling to Romania to support that country's fight against gay marriage: "Kentucky County Clerk Campaigns Against Same-Sex Marriage in Romania."

The online headline offered up the theme of the piece: "Kim Davis, Once Jailed in America, Campaigns Against Gay Marriage in Romania." Apparently the New York Times was the only news outlet that seemed to find it necessary to mention David went to jail in the headline, as it also does several times in the story itself, wondering if she's a "run-of-the-mill lawbreaker." Apparently being jailed for civil disobedience is only cool in the name of liberal causes.

One doesn't have to approve of Davis's action to see a double standard. Civil rights leaders in the 1960s went to jail -- does that reflect badly against them? Today other Democratic politicians and protesters, with far less on the line than those civil rights leaders, participate in arrests for the sake of photo-ops, but that only puts a rebellious gloss on their protests. Not so for a religious conservative like Davis:

The Kentucky official who was jailed in 2015 for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples has been advocating against gay marriage this week thousands of miles from home -- in Romania, where a movement to outlaw such unions has gained momentum.

The Times certainly didn't apply the usual liberal respect for civil disobedience to a conservative religious figure:

Few people in Romania appear to know about the case of Kim Davis, the clerk for Rowan County, Ky., but local gay and transgender rights groups were unhappy about her visit. Some described her as a foreign interloper who had violated the laws in her own country.

Same-sex marriage is not permitted in Romania, but conservatives there have waged a battle to explicitly prohibit it, via a constitutional amendment.


The trip was organized by Liberty Counsel, a conservative American legal and advocacy group that represented Ms. Davis during the 2015 legal battle that saw her spend six days in jail for contempt of court. Ms. Davis's actions, which came at a watershed moment for gay-rights advocates, reverberated across the country and led to lawsuits.

In both Kentucky and Romania, Ms. Davis described same-sex marriage as an attack on religious freedom.

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Public Advocate's Mark Clayton Demanding Freedom for Kim Davis