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Ann Coulter: Republicans Should do something popular

We don't like her pro-gay rights position, but like her anti-illegal alien comments.

Ann Coulter says:

When the Titanic struck an iceberg, the crew might have rushed to the storeroom, grabbed the materials and spruced up the ship with a shiny new coat of paint. Women in their beautiful fur coats could stand on deck, admiring the lustrous sheen, as everyone pointed to it saying, "What a thing of beauty!"

The new paint job would have "succeeded" to the extent that it would make the Titanic more lovely, but today we would recognize that it might have been kind of beside the point.

Word has now reached us that congressional Republicans have passed tax reform. Everyone is standing around admiring the lustrous sheen, pointing to it and saying, "what a thing of beauty!"

The iceberg is immigration and the Titanic is our country.

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