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Update: Federal Judge Shuts Down Christian Fire Chief And All Christian Public Officials

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For Immediate Release January 5 2017

In a statement sent to nationwide supporters, Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate said, in part,

"Former Atlanta Fire Chief and outspoken Christian, Kelvin Cochran has been singled out for his Christian beliefs and now a leftist Federal Judge upholds the attack.

Chief Cochran was fired by Atlanta's former anti-Family Mayor Kasim Reed (D) for simply writing a book that promoted the Bible's definition of marriage and morality.

You see, Chief Cochran had never been accused of discriminating against or mistreating anyone under his authority.

His only "crime" was his support for Real Marriage and Traditional Values.

But now I have a troubling update.

After a grueling fight in the courts, U.S. District Judge Leigh Martin May, an Obama appointee, denied relief for Mr. Cochran.

Judge May ruled that Mr. Cochran's rights to free speech and Religious Liberty were not violated.

And this ruling shows me that in today's America, standing for Christian Values is enough to cost you your job if you're a public official.

But the Homosexual Lobby wants far more serious legal punishment for those who dare to oppose their radical agenda."

I urge Americans to stand up to the Homosexual Lobby and instruct their members of Congress to support Relgious Liberty protections and restore our federal Judiciary to supporting traditional values," said Delgaudio.

Additional News Reports here:

WABE RADIO, N P R Affiliate:

"Judge Leigh May says Reed's termination of Cochran did not violate his rights to free speech or religious expression. This wasn't a case of Reed discriminating against Cochran because of his views, according to the judge."


"Judge Leigh Martin May, appointed to the bench by then-President Barack Obama, ruled on Wednesday that the City of Atlanta did not discriminate against Chief Kelvin Cochran's religious beliefs when it fired him following an investigation into a complaint about a book he wrote that mentioned homosexuality on one page."