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Virginia Tech Funds Big $$ To 12 Gay Clubs, Bans Black Conservative

The College Fix reports:

A large southern university hosts a total of 12 different LGBTQ organizations as well as an LGBTQ resource center, an arrangement that has led it to receive high marks by a national gay campus watchdog group.

Campus officials, however, remain silent on how much of the school's budget goes to fund these groups, and not a single one of the groups responded to repeated inquiries from The College Fix.

Virginia Tech's various LGBTQ groups include HokiePRIDE, TransSpace, Queer and Trans People of Color, Prism Society, and Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, according to the website of the school's LGBTQ+ Resource Center.

On the other hand, Virginia Tech banned a black conservative last year and only relented after protests from business and students outraged over the banning.

Breitbart reports:

Wall Street Journal columnist and Manhattan Institute senior fellow Jason Riley was disinvited from a scheduled speech at Virginia Tech due to concerns over his conservative perspective on racial issues.

In his column last week, Riley explained that the invitation he received to give the BB&T Distinguished Lecture at Virginia Tech's Pamplin College of Business was quickly rescinded after concerns emerged that his writings on race in The Wall Street Journal would spark student protests and chaos.

Riley has been been a prolific writer on racial issues in America for over 20 years and has worked with prominent publications like USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. He gives about 15 campus speeches a year. Despite his undeniable notability, Virginia Tech's Finance Department Chair, Vijay Singal, rescinded the invitation extended to Riley a week before the scheduled speech date.