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Rightwing News and Public Advocate mostly in agreement on TOP CONSERVATIVE WEBSITES

Public Advocate is in agreement with most of these picks of the top 15 conservative websites since

most of them are on our our LINKS page!

Public Advocate maintains a resource list of websites here

Even though Right Wing News is an opinion site these days, I do still surf the web for news and to find material to write about. Some websites I read for columnists, others I peruse to see what particular bloggers have to say, but when I'm looking for news, here are the websites I check out in order.

15) Twitchy: Michelle Malkin's new Twitter based news site. 14) Doug Ross: Larwyn's Linx is great. 13) Weasel Zippers: Not as much volume as other places, but quality work. 12) Free Republic: Better known for commenting than news, but still good. 11) Bad Blue: Outstanding Twitter based news 10) The Right Scoop: Videos, links, and heavily updated. 9) Daily Caller: The place to go for original conservative reporting. 8) Lucianne: Old reliable. When I have trouble finding something good, I go here. 7) Gateway Pundit: It's unbelievable to me that any one person can be this on top of things. 6) Breitbart: The combined Breitbart collective is AMAZING for links and journalism. 5) Instapundit: Glenn Reynolds has been the best known linker in the blogosphere for more than a decade. 4) The Blaze: Beck's news machine is already a must read. 3) Memorandum: What people are talking about right now on both sides of the blogosphere. (Not conservative per se, but still good) 2) Hot Air: Frequently updated headlines, plus the latest news stories. 1) The Drudge Report: Whatever Drudge links becomes what everyone is talking about.

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