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Public Advocate supports billions in Trump cuts from Education Department

President Trump has proposed cuts in the federal Department of Education and Public Advocate supports all proposed cuts in the Trump budget and supports even more now with the complete elimination of all federal funds going to California for their illegal brainwashing with homosexual history as we detail in a letter to the President this past Thursday, says Eugene Delgaudio president of Public Advcoate.

Last year, Trump proposed $9.2 billion in cuts.

NPR reported:

"President Trump's full budget proposal for fiscal year 2018, to be released Tuesday, calls for a $9.2 billion, or 13.5 percent, spending cut to education. The cuts would be spread across K-12 and aid to higher education, according to documents released by the White House."

Additional details here at this link

Education week reports on this year's budget process, in progress now:

"Here's a rundown of what to watch for in Washington over the next 12 months when it comes to K-12:

Will the Education Department get a $9.2 billion cut?

Back in the spring, Trump proposed slashing the Education Department's roughly $68 billion budget by $9.2 billion. He put some key programs on the chopping block, including Title II, a $2 billion program that helps states train teachers and reduce class size, as well as the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program, a $1.1 billion after-school and summer learning program.

It looks like the cut to the after-school program isn't happening, since bills in both the House and Senate keep the program in place.

But Title II is more of a cliffhanger. The Senate kept the program intact, but the House voted to kill it. And there are other programs that could be eliminated or cut drastically.

Lawmakers might pass a final fiscal 2018 budget this month, so we may get some answers soon. And whatever Congress passes will impact the 2018-19 school year.................

How much will DeVos be able to roll back the Education Department's footprint?

One of the Trump administration's top priorities is getting rid of regulations, programs, and even personnel that it describes as unnecessary or duplicative. At the beginning of last year, Congress got the ball rolling by getting rid of ESSA accountability regulations and teacher-prep regulations through the Congressional Review Act.

So far, DeVos has scrapped hundreds of pieces of guidance and rules that she said were outdated or redundant.

There could be some bigger regulatory changes on the horizon. DeVos and company may delay implementation of an Obama-era rule that would require states to take a stricter approach to identifying whether their districts have wide racial or ethnic disparities in special education. She may get rid of Obama-era guidance calling on districts to ensure that discipline policies don't have a disproportionate impact on students from certain racial and ethnic groups.

DeVos has also offered buyouts to shrink the department's workforce."