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Statement from Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate, I spoke to many Catholics, Christians, Trumpers, and conservatives of all persuasions at CPAC this year over three days of their meetings. As always there are hundreds of friends and visitors for the first time with political opinions all over the landscape as befits a "coalition." But this coalition has always been a pro-family coalition and put traditional family building officially front and center as a priority value.

With the expulsion, or banning, or denial of press credentials to pro family, panel members, or Trump supporting groups and other anti-family actions like welcoming pot smokers, homosexuals and atheists as booth registrants and sponsors, CPAC clearly has been corrupted."

FROM "THE GATEWAY PUNDIT" (we do not have any affilation with TGP, but we all have benefited by their wonderful reporting, exposes, research and sourcing their reports):

"CPAC Cancels Panel on Social Media Censorship - Blocks TGP's Jim Hoft from Speaking, Slurs Trump Supporters

During the election The Gateway Pundit was the fourth most influential conservative news source.
Following the 2016 election Harvard and Columbia Journalism Review funded research (with money from the Soros Open Society) to find out what happened.

What they found was that conservative Americans whole-heartedly rejected the liberal media and went online and to social media to find the truth.

This year when Pamela Geller went to CPAC to request a panel on social media censorship they abused her and strung her on until Monday night - after the official agenda was already printed.

CPAC was upset that The Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft was on the panel.
They accused Gateway Pundit of being supporters of neo-Nazis.
This is what they think of The Gateway Pundit and our readers.
This is CPAC.

The Gateway Pundit is one of the top pro-Israel websites in the US. The Gateway Pundit was the first website to speak out against radical white supremacists trying to hijack the Trump movement.

In fact CPAC does not have ANY of the grassroots supporters for Trump speaking at their conference.
They could not care less about the grassroots leaders who supported this president.
The media told CPAC that Trump supporters are white supremacists and Nazis.
CPAC believes them."

full report here: