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Public Advocate Congressional and Senate Surveys Arrive In U.S. Mail and online!

********UPDATED DUE TO MEDIA INQUIRES JUNE 11 2018*************

For Immediate Release: (posted previously) March 12 2018. permission granted in advance to quote in whole or part.

Contact: Eugene Delgaudio 703-845-1808.

"Its early in the primary season for both major parties and as usual, Public Advocate's Senate and Congressional Candidate Survey is in the mail, being posted online and sent by social platforms also. We look forward to responses and promise in our cover letters to publicize the responses from candidates. And if candidates ignore the surveys we will tell the public as is our custom," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

Candidates for Congress and the U.S. Senate will be asked a set of 8 questions defending the traditional American family with policies, legislation or in the case of the Senate, confirmation of pro-family Judicial nominees.

The survey is a questionaire and is being sent to 18 states and all registered candidates for both major parties which are most of the Senate and close Congressional races.

"In the 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2017 special federal election cycles Public Advocate reached over 100 million Americans in earned media, direct advertising, or boosted online ads," said Eugene Delgaudio, prewsident of Public Advocate.

Surveys are planned for Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, California, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio,West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Virginia.


This is a posted list of questions we are asking candidates at local, state and federal level as well as office holders who are not on any ballot this year: (not a representation of specific surveys in targeted races)from our home page which has also been updated today June 11, 2018.


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Image result for SENATE RACES IN 2018