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Public Advocate Announces Complaint In Response to Indiana University of Pennsylvania Suspension of Student


Public Advocate Announces Letter of Complaint to Various Federal Authorities In Response to Indiana University of Pennsylvania Suspension of Student

Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio is sending a letter this week asking several education accreditation authorities and federal goverment agencies to open investigation files "immediately" on Indiana University of Pennsylvania's recent action to expel or otherwise persecute Lake Ingle, a senior at the university.


"I am presenting a detailed formal complaint to the university President (to be posted soon), Dr. Michael Driscoll,who I have alerted, and requesting his cooperation in my separate requests for investigation to several of the following oversight agencies:

1. the regional accreditation authority to request oversight and not "self inquiry" in their accreditation;

2. the secretary of education to open an active inquiry on education standards based on a hurtful public humiliation of a student for responding properly to a reported classsroom inquiry with academic facts about science or a simple provocation or incident of religious harrassment.

3. the attorney general and U.S. attorney to request immediate action under the recently issued Religious Liberty executive order signed by President Donald Trump and supplemented with additional administration actions by the attorney general designating specific guidelines and publicly named officers in each jurisdiction.

"This is a substantial but proper action by our group and it is in recognition of the terrible conditions that normal God-loving Americans have to endure at many American campuses today,
said Eugene Delgaudio, and I am going to ask for relief from anyone in an oversight role to restore academic freedom, religious liberty and respect for human rights of Christians."

"This wrongful action of "suspension" "sanction" and humiliation of student Lake Ingle-- carried out by unsympathetic and clumsy anti-Christian IUP officials could mean Indiana University of Pennslylvania has disassociated itself unilaterally from simple Science and as a result abused student Lake Ingle, and anyone who professes facts, truthful responses or just professions of faith--in this case a student who professes a faith based on Christianity and an uncompromising embrace of science.

This particular abuse may not allowed and may be specifically addressed by new federal statutes, executive orders, administrative guidelines posted at the Justice Department or may be ignoring published guidelines for accreditation, " says Delgaudio, "and we are alerting everybody to this possiblity and asking for responses."

The student Lake Ingle must be be re-instated without anti-Science or anti-Christian biases being used as a criteria for his suspension or any punishment of sanction. An apology is warranted to Lake Ingle and all Christians and a policy of respect and non-harrassment of Christian students must be adopted.

The college should be subject to having their accreditation reviewed by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education which Public Advocate is contacting this week and Public Advocate's letter is a precaution and not part of any academic oversight process.

The college's last accreditation was in 2016.

Public Advocate will also contact the Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos as she oversees accreditation by the MSCHE and also is responsible under federal law to make sure federal tax dollars are used "without discrimination" and not against the best interests of educational principles," says Eugene Delgaudio.

In our letter to federal officials responsible for responding to these infractions, we are asking if college officials are acting irresponsibly and college accreditation authorities, Public Advocate will cite
the appropriate sections of the federal laws, executive orders, administrative guidelines, recently announced Justice Department rules.

Regarding the topic of science, will quote extensively our own legal briefs on "gender" from scientific discussions in existence and also quote Paul McHugh, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins, and Johns Hopkins scholar-in-residence Lawrence Mayer who have authored a report on sexuality and gender published in The New Atlantis last August (2017) that, among other things, refuted claims that sexual orientation and gender dysphoria are caused by natural traits and innate behavior.

Although McHugh and Mayer's report was not peer-reviewed, it cited many other peer-reviewed studies to help progress its arguments. The report also professes to be a "careful summary and an up-to-date explanation of research - from the biological, psychological, and social sciences - related to sexual orientation and gender identity."

McHugh and Mayer have reviewed hundreds of papers on this subject of "gender" and "genes" and in lay terms, no exisiting study exists that there exists among humankind more than 2 sexes.

Delgaudio further states "I will ask the Middle States Commission on High Education and the Secretary of Education of the violation of free speech rights and the wrongful acts involving
the discrimination against a Christian in this action. Public Advocate will address the letter to both MSCHE and Secretary DeVos asking for immediate investigation and the potentil suspension of all federal tax dollars going to this university unless and until the student is allowed to graduate.



Public Advocate is not affiliated with the student Lake Ingle, the various universities or agencies cited in this article and is a non-profit public policy group and our legal counsel has filed 34 US Supreme Court, U.S. Appeals, or federal court briefs defending religious liberty. (partial list here: )

Headline: Justice Department Announces Religious Liberty Update and Directs Designation of "Defenders"


The Department of Justice today announced the update of the United States Attorneys' Manual (USAM) with a new section titled, "Associate Attorney General's Approval and Notice Requirements for Issues Implicating Religious Liberty."

Attorney General Sessions Issues Guidance On Federal Law Protections For Religious Liberty