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Good Friday Atrocity: Pro-Family Sidewalk Counselor arrested and jailed at Georgia State Capitol

Georgia Pro-Family Side walk Counselor arrested and jailed for sidewalk counseling
at State Capitol

"Marguitta Ford has been treated in horrendous fashion and her rights violated to simply protest on a public sidewalk. Now she needs a lawyer and her court date is in late April 2018. I ask all Christians today to pray that she has a lawyer soon and all these apparently false charges dismissed and I am doing all I can as your president of Public Advocate to help her cause. " says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

Mass Resistance is reporting:

"She LEGALLY protesting against LGBT agenda in front of State Capitol
Humiliating treatment by police and jail authorities
Absurd, contrived charges filed against her
But she is still not backing down"

"Marquitta R. Ford, a courageous Georgia MassResistance activist, was arrested and jailed and humiliated by the authorities after legally protesting against the LGBT agenda in front of the Georgia State Capitol, and demanding protection from the government. She had been demonstrating on the same spot - a public sidewalk - for nearly three months and had previously been assured by police that it was legal to be there."

Marquitta has been protesting and lobbying public officials because businesses in Georgia have begun allowing men in women's restrooms - and the government refuses to take action to protect women. Even though she's only 5 feet tall, she backs down to nobody!

Protesting outside the Georgia State Capitol

Starting in mid-October 2017, Marquitta regularly protested with a sign on the wide sidewalk outside the Georgia State Capitol building. Early on she had been told by a State Police officer that if she kept moving while holding the sign - going back and forth on that sidewalk area - it was perfectly legal. So that's what she always did.

More details here: