Public Advocate Opposes Anti-Family Extremist Chai Feldblum for EEOC Head
Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio is asking Senators in Washington,D.C. to vote down the nomination of Chai Feldblum for head of the EEOC.
In a letter to supporters, Delgaudio said in part:
"Senate Republicans have crafted a deal with radical Democrats to force through the nomination of Chai Feldblum as Commissioner of the EEOC.
Thankfully, Senator Mike Lee put a hold on her renomination process after Public Advocate and other pro-family groups sounded the alert.
For years, Feldblum has used the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to push special privileges for homosexuals and punish Christian employers.
She added "sexual orientation" as a protected class in employment matters.
That means employers could be required to maintain a quota of homosexuals on the payroll or risk facing a federal discrimination lawsuit.
Corruption of the EEOC was one of Obama's earliest major victories on behalf of the Homosexual Agenda.
Sadly, America is facing Feldblum's confirmation as the head of the EEOC again.
Senator Lee is holding the line on her, but many other Republicans in the Senate are looking to deal.
..............We need a real pro-Family advocate at the head of the EEOC.
And the only way for that to happen is to pile on so much pressure in the Senate that the Compromise Deal falls apart.
We are asking Americans to sign our petition to Stop Chai Feldblum for Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), " said Delgaudio.