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Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio said, "we have contacted over two million Americans, written 100,000 directly including picnics on Independence Day and reaching out through social media every day and am mindful this is President Donald Trump's decision, but our opposition to William Pryor is continuing until the actual announcement."

Delgaudio said "There are reports of the President interviewing 7 , 6 or 4 contenders and as this week progressed to today, we have seen less and less mention of William Pryor, which is encouraging to Public Advocate members and supporters."

THE NEW YORK TIMES reports: July 2, 2018

President Trump interviewed four candidates on Monday to take Justice Anthony M. Kennedy's place on the Supreme Court as the White House raced to meet the president's promise to announce a replacement for the retiring justice early next week.

The White House refused to disclose the names of whom the president met with, but according to people briefed on the vetting process, they were the federal appeals court judges Amy Coney Barrett of the Seventh Circuit; Brett M. Kavanaugh of the District of Columbia Circuit; and Raymond M. Kethledge and Amul R. Thapar of the Sixth Circuit. The president met alone with them for 45 minutes each.

VIDEO: William Pryor is BADDEST CHOICE (20,000 VIEWS)


President Donald Trump is moving closer to deciding his next Supreme Court nominee amid intense jockeying from various factions seeking to influence his choice to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Trump's current top contenders are federal appeals court judges Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh and Raymond Kethledge, said a person familiar with Trump's thinking who was not authorized to speak publicly.

AL NEWS IS REPORTING: (10 am July 5)

President Trump has interviewed six candidates to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Citing unnamed sources, Fox News said the president has met with the six candidates, with some being interviewed more than once. Trump is expected to make his announcement Monday.

The six candidates are: Appeals court judges Brett Kavanaugh, Raymond Kethledge, Amy Coney Barrett, Amul Thapar, Joan Larsen and Thomas Hardiman.

Fox reports Kavanaugh, Kethledge and Barrett are currently the front-runners. Kethledge and Kavanaugh both clerked for Kennedy; Barrett was a law clerk for the late Justice Antonin Scalia, who was replaced by the Trump-nominated Neil Gorsuch last year.

The president has also spoken via phone with Utah Sen. Mike Lee, a Republican, through Fox said the discussion was not a formal interview.

The three leading candidates were all on a list of 25 names released by the president last year. That list included two contenders from Alabama - Justices Kevin Newsom and William "Bill" Pryor of Alabama, both with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit.