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Mandatory Homosexual Brainwashing For All: Parents Denied Right to See Pro-LGBT Videos Forced on Children

The New American and other news reports:

A lawsuit against a Pennsylvania school district will be filed later this month, if the district continues its refusal to allow parents to see a series of pro-LGBT videos that their children were forced to watch in April. In a June 22 letter to the East Penn School District, Liberty Counsel attorney Richard Mast said that Pennsylvania state law dictates that parents are entitled to all such curriculum information.

Almost three thousand students at Emmaus High School were required to see the videos during the school district's LGBT "Unity Week." Students could not opt out, and not only were parents not allowed to see the videos, they were not even informed that the videos were being shown.

The national LGBT lobbying group GLSEN sponsored the "Day of Silence" across the United States. The four videos that the students were forced to watch were sponsored by the Gay Straight Alliance Club.


Hat Tip to Free Republic