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Pro-Family Group Calls On Smith to Reject Poison Pill Amendment to FMA

Falls Church, VA-Over 10,000 Texans are calling on Rep. Lamar Smith to fight for traditional marriage as a result of a Public Advocate mailing to members and the general public in the congressman's San Antonio area district.

The mailing is a result of Congressman Smith considering language to water down the proposed constitutional protection of the American family by offering an amendment that will allow state governments to legalize same sex marriages. Public Advocate, with over 150,000 supporters nationally and 500 members in the San Antonio area, is working tirelessly to support the strong language offered by Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave that would permanently define marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

The text of the letter by Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio to Smith's constituents is as follows:

"Your Congressman -- Republican Lamar Smith -- is considering whether to introduce legislation that would completely undermine the Federal Marriage Amendment.

"The Federal Marriage Amendment was introduced in Congress by Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave to stop liberal judges from redefining marriage to include men marrying men and women marrying women.

"Without your immediate action, Congressman Smith's legislation could single-handedly make the Federal Marriage Amendment completely meaningless -- and state legislatures will be able to define marriage however they want and your city could begin issuing so-called "marriage" licenses to homosexuals.

"I need you to immediately call Congressman Smith in Washington (202-225-4236) and in his District Office (210-821-5024) and tell him: "Stop undermining the Federal Marriage Amendment and come out 100% in support of the Congresswoman Musgrave's legislation TODAY.