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Colorado and Gay Lobby Targeting Jack Phillips Once Again


As an assertiveness trainer, I made up an axiom: "If you can't say no, your yes means nothing." Our belief that we aren't allowed to say no can be a form of self-imposed slavery. We have even bigger problems when our government typifies that belief.

Once again, the Colorado Civil Rights Division (CCRD) is targeting Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop. The original drama lasted more than six years and concerned Phillips' refusal to create a custom wedding cake for a gay couple. The finale came in June 2018 with a 7-2 Supreme Court decision in Phillips' favor.

The sequel to this story debuted recently when news broke that the CCRD ordered Phillips into "compulsory mediation" for a new discrimination charge. The complainant this time is Autumn Scardina, a transgender attorney who requested a custom cake to celebrate his/her gender transition. Scardina has allegedly targeted this shop in the past with sexually explicit and satanic cake requests.

The relentless hatred of these intersectional inquisitors is clearer than ever. They cannot allow this man to go unpunished for disagreeing with their precepts of what he must think and believe--lest we all think it's allowed.

It is immaterial whether you like or agree with Jack Phillips, whether you are a Christian, or you would have chosen to bake that cake. If the CCRD succeeds in their vendetta, you will have to conform to their whims too.

Leftists are adamant, but that hardly means they're consistent. They regularly and openly exhibit their erratic orthodoxy: They dictate changes to the number and meaning of pronouns, but can't decide which ones they're planning to force us to use. Formerly they loved Russia and thought women were invincible; now they loathe Russia and think that women are as frail as hothouse flowers.

In the new CCRD complaint, Autumn Scardina emphasizes that s/he belongs to a "protected class." The Left used to embrace the equal protection clause, but now they prefer EEOC regulations that have established these "protected classes." The result is unequal protection under the law. It is suddenly okay to think some people are more equal than others. In fact, they are prepared to force you to think so....................

Are we really free in America? For the answer to these and other questions, stay tuned for the next installment of Jack Phillips and the Masterpiece Cakeshop.