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Senators Demanding Pro-Homosexual Statements From Kavanaugh Refuse To Accept Judicial Response For An Answer

The Federalist reports:

Kavanaugh responding to Senators in last week's Judiciary Committee Hearings : "stated that since Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's confirmation hearing in 1993, every nominee has agreed to decline to discuss his or her personal opinion of the "correctness" of any given court precedent. He stated firmly that requesting a judge to do so would essentially be asking for a promise to rule in a certain way in exchange for a confirmation vote, which is both unfair and unethical. With great persistence despite remarkably determined efforts, Kavanaugh honored this standard. "

".........Kavanaugh answered questions related to the various cases and social issues presented to him. He carefully began each response by citing court precedent relevant to the issue. When asked about his decision-making in court cases, he was equally careful to distinguish his personal views from his dedication to judicial independence, following the law as it is written.

One topic that demonstrates senators' willful defiance of this ground rule and the biased way the media interpreted his answers revolved around LGBT law, specifically same-sex marriage and workplace discrimination law," reports the Federalist.

Responding to Senators Kamila Harris and theatrical practictioner Cory Booker, Kavanaugh repeatedly confirmed court precedents but refused to give his personal opinion on broad issues related to those rulings.

Hat tip to Free Republic