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Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio: AMERICA OUTSMARTS LIBERAL MEDIA

Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio said: "The fight to save the nation from extremist zealots who want to destroy the moral fabric, the economic freedom, and constitutional freedoms of every American continues even as the violence continues with sporadic bands of leftist mobs storming conservative Tucker Carlson's home in Washington, D.C. this past week. Even most liberals have now condemned the violent nighttime "home invasion" of the conservative Fox host an hour before his nightly broadcast. "

Eugene Delgaudio president of Public Advocate says: "Violence as a form of protest was ignored by the media for 2 years. Now those tactics are condemned at least when its directed at a TV news commentator just an hour before broadcast. Americans outsmarted the "all knowing media" that decided to ignore the violence of the left."

This universal condemnation of the Tucker Carlson home invasion marked a turning point for some liberal media commentators who realized the November 2018 election had confirmed the 2016 election and that the American People were not going to change its mind. Let's hope the condemnation of violence as political expression continues and that violence as a form of protest ends," said Delgaudio.

The pattern of conciliation continued when Saturday Night Live reversed its mocking of a Navy Seal and successful GOP Congressional Candidate Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) with an apology and appearance on SNL by the Congressman-elect who, together with Pete Davidson, produced a funny and endearing salute to all veterans in honor of Veterans Day which is Monday.