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"Gay" Reporter Assaults Teen Tweets, Heisman Trophy Winner Gets Hit

"It seems the angry liberal pro-homosexual mob runs around in the middle of the night tearing down any Christmas cheer or good news and this past weekend a lunatic drooler assaulted a new American hero, the Heisman Trophy sports award winner Kyler Murray at the exact moment of his receiving the award and still continues to assault him hourly, " says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.


"Kyler Murray won one of college football's highest honors on Saturday as he was awarded the Heisman Trophy for his excellence as quarterback for Oklahoma, but USA Today wasn't focused on his football accomplishments.

In a report published late Saturday night, USA Today dug up several tweets and claimed that Murray had made homophobic statements on Twitter. According to the report, Murray called one of his friends a "queer" in 2012. He was 15 years old at the time of the tweet.

In response to this hit from USA Today, Murray humbly apologized for the comments he had made when he was a teen. He penned the apology in the early hours of Sunday morning, just hours after he won the Heisman Trophy.

@TheKylerMurray "I apologize for the tweets that have come to light tonight from when I was 14 and 15. I used a poor choice of word that doesn't reflect who I am or what I believe. I did not intend to single out any individual or group."

Still, his apology wasn't enough for USA Today. They slammed him on Twitter for not deleting the old tweets as soon as he was hit with the story - at two in the morning, central time." (end)