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Students Tell School Board to Respect Religious Freedom over Fired Teacher

Students at a public high school have demonstrated their support for a Christian teacher fired from his position because he refused to refer to a trans-identified student by their preferred pronoun.

Less than 24 hours after the West Point, Virginia school board unanimously voted to terminate high school French instructor Peter Vlaming, a large group of students walked out of their classes to protest the decision.

"He's an amazing man," student Wyatt Pedersen told WWBT News. "I think he really was going with what he believed was right and it's really unfair that he's being punished for that, especially in such a dramatic way."

"I feel like everyone should have the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion as well," said Junior Zachary Gonzalez.

Forrest Rohde, the West Point High School junior who organized the walkout, emphasized that the protest was not about the transgender student. Rather, he said students took issue with the school board "trying to force the teacher to conform to their ideologies with the threat of removal from the school."

Source Christian Post

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