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Public Advocate to Call for IRS Action Against Gay Marriage Tax Filers

Washington, DC--Public Advocate of the United States will release a letter that is being hand delivered to the Internal Revenue Service on Tuesday, April 13 at 2:00 PM. The letter asks the IRS to investigate same-sex couples who file any tax form as "married - filing jointly" as part of a fraudulent same-sex marriage, such as those that have been performed by the thousands in San Francisco, California between homosexual couples.

Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio will release the letter to the media and take questions at 2:00 PM in front of the Internal Revenue Service building at the corner of 12th St & Constitution Ave., NW. After the question and answer session, Delgaudio will deliver copies of the letter to Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Mark W. Everson and the Office of National Public Liaison at the IRS.

For more information contact Jesse R. Binnall at 703.582.7924. Donations are not tax deductible for IRS purposes.
