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30 Transgender Regretters Come Out Of The Closet

Heyer's New Book Shines Light on Trans Life Survivors

(Walt) Heyer has written several books on transgender regret, but his sixth and newest book, "Trans Life Survivors," is not his personal story. It's a compilation of the stories of many others caught up in today's "transmania." They specifically sought out Walt to get some much-needed support. They've shared their lonely, surreal experiences falling down the trans rabbit hole, hoping to escape as he did.

Walt's correspondents describe a wide range of frustrating and confusing experiences. Some are nudged into transgenderism by social pressures and emotional manipulation. Many are hastily sent into surgery without adequate counseling (or any counseling at all), or are misdiagnosed. Some of those regret their decision very shortly after having irreversible surgery.

Many concerns about childhood traumas are ignored by therapists who are politically motivated to push as many patients as possible into sex change. They also fear intense ostracism and vicious backlash from the trans community if they "come out" as a potential de-transitioner.

Walt wrote "Trans Life Survivors," he says, because he wants others "to catch a glimpse of the raw emotions and experiences of people who are harmed by the grand - and dangerous - experiment of cross-sex hormones and surgical affirming procedures."


The Federalist