Democrat Party of Virginia: pushing slavery, segregation, secularism, socialism, and sedition

PJ Media reports (in part)
"The New York Times is beside itself with the intersectionality of it all: Less than a week after Gov. Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark R. Herring said they wore blackface as young men, Mr. Fairfax on Friday faced a second assault accusation in three days. He is now under intense pressure to resign or face impeachment, transforming what had been a crisis for Virginia Democrats into a searing dilemma for the national party.
The political turmoil for Democratic leaders this weekend is unfolding at the intersection of race and gender, and risks pitting the party's most pivotal constituencies against one another. If Democrats do not oust Mr. Fairfax, at a time when the party has taken a zero-tolerance stand on sexual misconduct in the #MeToo era, they could anger female voters.
But -- and you just know there's a but coming....
But the specter of Mr. Fairfax, 39, being pushed out while two older white men remain in office - despite blackface behavior that evoked some of the country's most painful racist images - would deeply trouble many African-Americans. "I think the Democratic Party would lack credibility if they followed a double standard," said Representative Karen Bass of California, who is the head of the Congressional Black Caucus. Ms. Bass said that both Mr. Northam and Mr. Fairfax should step down.
That at least would leave the Democrats with their AG, Herring, to step into Northam's white shoes. But Herring committed the same SJW crime as Northam (who, to make things even more ludicrous, denies it), so why should Northam have to go and Herring get to stay? But if Herring goes, then the next in line for the state house is... a Republican! Oh no!
"It's a nightmare right now," said Representative A. Donald McEachin, a Virginia Democrat who can trace his history here back to Revolutionary War-era slaves. "We've worked hard on the Democratic brand for so many years," he said, "and now we have to deal with this."
If by the Democrat "brand" he means slavery, segregation, secularism, socialism, and sedition, well, they're doing a helluva job............"
See the original post at PJ Media.