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Google Dumps Top Black Conservative To Herald Censorship Campaign?

"Candace Owens is the most famous young black conservative woman in most parts of the internet. But Kay Coles James has been lighting conservative fires for 30 years in the policy quarters of the older conservative think tanks, and she is an intellectual heavyweight without challenge. With Kay being dumped by Google its clear that conservative philosophy or free speech itself has been deleted or deemed extinct by Google," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

from the Washington Post:

I wanted to help Google make AI more responsible. Instead I was treated with hostility

By Kay Coles James April 9
Kay Coles James is president of the Heritage Foundation.

Google decided this year to create an advisory council that would help guide the company in the responsible development of artificial intelligence. When the company asked me to join, I agreed, welcoming the opportunity to contribute my perspective as a conservative leader - and to test my thinking with council members who might not necessarily agree with me. Together, I thought, we might be able to make valuable contributions as Google explores an important new frontier of technology..................

..........Google employees didn't just attempt to remove me; they greeted the news of my appointment to the council with name-calling and character assassination. They called me anti-immigrant and anti-LGBTQ and a bigot. That was an odd one, because I'm a 69-year-old black woman who grew up fighting segregation.

Last week, less than two weeks after the AI advisory council was announced, Google disbanded it. ..............

Being attacked is not new for me. As a black, conservative, pro-life, evangelical woman, I have spent most of my life being called names and being denounced for my beliefs.

In 1961, at age 12, I was one of two-dozen black children who integrated an all-white junior high school in Richmond. White parents jeered me outside the school, and inside, their kids stuck me with pins, shoved me in the halls and pushed me down the stairs. So when the group of Google employees resorted to calling names and making false accusations because they didn't want a conservative voice advising the company, the hostility was reminiscent of what I felt back then - that same intolerance for someone who was different from them.

Uncivil discourse is an illness in America.

See the original post at The Washington Post.