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Supreme Court allows Pennsylvania transgender bathroom policy to go into effect


The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up a challenge to a transgender bathroom policy for a Pennsylvania school district, allowing it to go into effect.

The court's unsigned order means that students in the Boyertown district will be allowed to use the bathroom or locker room aligned with their gender identity.

The Boyertown policy allows for transgender students to use those facilities on a case-by-case basis.......

The Trump administration in 2017 rescinded guidance issued by the Obama administration that directed schools to let students use facilities that best aligned with their gender identities.

Tuesday's order does not set a national legal precedent on transgender bathroom policies.

See the original post at The Hill.

Hat Tip to Free Republic


"While this is disappointing news, the fight for student privacy is far from over.

Across the country, school districts are adopting radical changes just like the one in Boyertown. Because of a small handful of students who identify as the opposite sex, these school districts are ignoring the privacy rights of all the students. They are forcing them to share locker rooms, shower areas, and restrooms with members of the opposite sex.

But a student's right to bodily privacy does not depend on others' beliefs about their own gender."

See the original post at Alliance Defending Freedom.