Kentucky Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Christian T-Shirt Shop, Christians still threatened

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate says: "Kentucky will not allow homosexual extremists to dictate, enslave or force Christians to work for them, but the war to compell Christians to bend to the agenda of the so-called "gay lobby" continues all over America."
On Nov. 1, the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled in favor of Christian print-shop owner Blaine Adamson, who was sued for refusing to print "gay-pride" T-shirts for the Lexington Pride Festival.
According to the opinion of the court, written by Justice Laurance B. VanMeter, "[T]his matter must be dismissed because the Gay and Lesbian Services Organization (GLSO,) the original party to bring this action before the Lexington Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission, lacked statutory standing to assert a claim against Hands On Originals under the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government."
The court ruled (6-0) that GLSO had no standing because under discrimination law in Kentucky, such claims can only be filed by individuals and not organizations. GLSO lost at the initial trial, the appeals court and now at the supreme court.
Read the original article at CNS.